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A plate with lunch items

View school menus, make online payments, and submit an online application for free and reduced meals. 

Menu Information

Wooden Slat background with School Clock New Hours 9:00 - 4:00
New School Hours

Student drop off at 9:00

Instructional begins at 9:15

School Ends at 4:00

Students picked up by 4:15

Black background with school bus Dates for  meet the teacher aug 5 5:30 to 7 pm, first day of school  1st - 5th aug. 7th ; kindergarten aug 9th kindergarten events orientation aug  7th and 8th signed up at meet the teacher. Boo hoo breakfast august 9th @ 9:15 am
It's Back to school time!

August 5th:  Required Meet the Teacher 5:30 - 7:00 PM

August 7th:  First Day for grades 1st - 5th

August 9th:  First Day for Kindergarten *Kindergarten families will sign up at "Meet the Teacher" for an orientation and tour August 7th or 8th


Upcoming Events

Berna Facio Professional Development Center, 3315 Louisiana Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110, USA

News & Announcements